Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wedding Certificate Holder

As new trends and ideas develop with each turn of the century, more and more wedding items are being created almost daily to make the Wedding day more enjoyable and to cherish the memories and items used for the day.

The most cherished item next to your rings (which represent a circle of love) is the Wedding Certificate which is the only true legal and binding representation of your marriage. This certificate list the date the marriage took place, the full and legal names of the parties that were married, and the marital status of each.

Since the Marriage Certificate is considered a legal document as it is issued by the government; the Wedding Certiciate Holder has made a great name for itself by not only securing the document from wearing out, tears or spills but also by lending itself as a beautiful decorative ornament in the home. The silver plated holder can also be engraved to further showcase the memory of the Wedding Day

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Silver Jewellery - A Brief History

Silver was used in ancient Italy and Greece for personal ornaments, vessels,jewellery,arrows, weapons and coinage. It was inlaid and plated. It was also mixed with Gold to produce white gold as well as being mixed with baser metals.

Examples of ancient jewelry were found in Queen Pu-abi's tomb at Ur in Sumeria(now called Tall al-Muqayyar), dating from 3000 BC. In the crypt the queen's body was covered with jewellery made from gold, silver, lapis lazuli, carnelian,agate and chalcedony beads.

Aegean lands were rich in precious metals. The considerable deposits of treasure found in the earliest prehistoric strata on the site of Troy are not likely to be later than 2000 BC. The largest of them, called Priam's Treasure, was a large silver cup containing gold ornaments consisting of elaborate diadems or pectorals, six bracelets, 60 earrings or hair rings, and nearly 9,000 beads. Silver was widely used in the Greek islands however only a few simple vessels, rings, pins, and headbands survive.

Mycenaean and Minoan.

Three silver dagger blades were found in a communal tomb at Kumasa.Silver seals and ornaments of the same age were also found in these regions. A silver cup found in Gournia dates to circa 2000. Some vases and jugsfrom Mycenae are also made of silver. Some of the Mycenaean blades are bronze inlaid with

gold, , silver, niello and electrum.

Bronze to the Iron Age

Engraved and embossed silver bowls made by Phoenicians have been found in Greece. Most of them have elaborate pictorial designs of Egyptian or Assyrian character and therefore probably foreign to Greece.

However some simpler types, decorated with rows of animals and flowers,can hardly be distinguished from the first Hellenic products. A silver bowl from around the 5th century BC can be found inthe Metropolitan Museum of Art showing a fine flower style.

Silver vases and toilet articles have been found beside the more common bronze in Etruscan tombs. For example, a chased powder box of the 4th century BC in the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


During the 4th century BC, the trend of ornamenting silver vessels with relief was revived. This type of work, elaborated in the Hellenistic Age and particularly at Antioch and Alexandria, remained the common method of decoration for silver articles until the end of the Roman Empire.

A lot of Roman silverware was buried during the violent last centuries of the ancient world. The largest, the Boscoreale treasure (mostly in the Louvre), was accidentally saved by
the same volcanic eruption that destroyed Herculaneum and killed Pliny in AD 79. A slightly smaller hoard found at Hildesheim (now in Berlin) also belongs to the early empire. The acquisition and appreciation of silver plate was a sort of cult in Rome. Technical names for various kinds of reliefs
were in common use (emblemata, sigilla, crustae.) Weights were recorded and compared and frequently exaggerated. Large quantities of bullion came to Rome from their battle victories in Greece and Asia during the 2nd century BC.

Early Christian and Byzantine

The earliest Christian silverwork closely resembles the pagan work of the period and uses of the techniques of embossing and chasing. The design is sometimesclassical, decorated with pagan scenes.

Most of the silver has been found in Syria, Egypt, Cyprus, Asia Minor,and Russia. It is mostly chalices, censers, candlesticks, and bowls and dishes. The techniques of chasing and embossing were often employed, but abstract patterns and Christian symbols inlaid in niello were also used. The 6th and 7th centuries saw the appearance of imperial control stamps,- early forerunners of hallmarks.

Middle Ages

Carolingian and Ottonian

In the last quarter of the 8th century the design focused on
the human figure and the use of niello (chip-carving technique.)

Examples are the Tassilo Chalice (umlnster Abbey, Austria) and the Lindau Gospels book cover (Pierpont Morgan Library, New York City).

Most influential silver design was commissioned by Royalty or the church.Liturgical plate and reliquaries, altar crosses, and the like underwent no fundamental change; Ottonian work of the later 10th and 11th centuries can be distinguished from that of the 9th only in the development of style. For example, the larger, more massive figures, with their strict pattern of folds, on the golden altar (c. 1023) given by Henry II to Basel
Minster (Musée de Cluny, Paris), are markedly different from the nervous, elongated figures of the Carolingian period.


In the 12th century the church was the chief patron of the arts, and the work was carried out in the larger monasteries. Under the direction of such great churchmen as Henry, bishop of Winchester, and Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis, near Paris, a new emphasis was given to subject matter and symbolism.

Gold and silver continued to be used as rich settings for enamels as the framework of portable altars, or small devotional diptychs or triptychs and shrines such as the shrine of St. Heribert at Deutz (c. 1160) and Nicholas
of Verdun's Shrine of the Three Kings at Cologne (c. 1200).

The growing naturalism of the 13th century is notable in the work of Nicholas' follower Hugo d'Oignies, whose reliquary for the rib of St. Peter at Namur(1228) foreshadows the partly crystal reliquaries in which the freestanding relic is exposed to the view of the faithful; it is decorated with Hugo's
particularly fine filigree and enriched by naturalistic cutout leaves and little cast animals and birds.

The increasing wealth of the royal courts, of the aristocracy, and, later, of the merchants led to the establishment of secular workshops in the great cities and the foundation of confraternities, or guilds, of silversmiths, the first being that of Paris in 1202.

The late Gothic saw an increased output of secular silver because of the rise of the middle classes. The English mazers (wooden drinking bowls with silver mounts) and the silver spoons with a large variety of finials are examples of this more modest plate. Numerous large reliquaries and altar
plate of all kinds were still produced. At the end of the Middle Ages the style of these pieces and of secular plate developed more distinctive nationalcharacteristics, strongly influenced by architectural style: in England,by the geometric patterns of the Perpendicular; in Germany, by heavy and
bizarre themes of almost Baroque exuberance; and in France, by the fragile elegance of the Flamboyant.

The purity standards of silver became rigorously controlled, and “ hallmarking” was enforced; the marking of silver in England, especially, was carefully observed.

In the Far East the skills of thesilversmith were unsurpassed as is evident from this solid silver bowl (the photographs are 4x magnification of original item) made circa 1398 in Kampochea (Cambodia) detailing the wars with neighbouring Thai rulers.


The use of gold and silver in Islam lands was limited because it was forbidden by the Koran. Although the prohibition
was often ignored, the great value of such objects led to their early destruction and melting down. Islamic jewelry of the early period is therefore extremely rare, represented only by a few items, such as buckles and bracelets of the Mongol periods and such pieces as the Gerona silver chest in Spain and the Berlin silver tankard of the 13th century, with embossed reliefs of animal friezes.

Renaissance to modern

16th century

Using Silver from the New Americas, Spanish silversmiths, platería, gave their name to the heavily ornamented style of the period, Plateresque. England was also abundant in 16th-century secular silver, but church plate was mostly destroyed during the Reformation.


Huguenot silversmiths who left France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685 brought new standards of taste and craftsmanship wherever they settled—particularly in England, where the foremost names of the late 17th and earlier 18th centuries were of French origin: Pierre Harache, Pierre Platel, David Willaume, Simon Pantin, Paul de Lamerie, Paul Crespin, to mention but a few.Silver furniture, a feature of the state rooms at Versailles, became fashionable among Royalty and noblemen. It was constructed of silver plates attached to
a wooden frame. Each suite contained a dressing table, a looking glasss and a pair of candlestands. In France such furniture did not survive the Revolution but much remains in England, Denmark, Germany, and Russia.

In the far east, Chinese silversmiths produced some of the most elegant and beautifully crafted silver jewellery some of which was exported to the Royalty of Russia.

18th century

Early 18th-century English work combined functional simplicity with grace of form, while the work of Dutch and German goldsmiths is in a similar style but of less pleasing proportions. The success of the English work, however,
is due in part to the destruction of all but a fraction of French silver of the same period. English silver in the 18th-century classical style of Robert and James Adam is of unequal merit owing to the use of industrial methods by some large producers.

Colonial America

Silversmithing in the New World in the colonial period is chiefly from England. In North America it was first brought to New England by English craftsmen in the 17th century. The most important centres were Boston, Newport, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Annapolis. Outstanding collections include the Mabel Brady Garvan collection at Yale University and those in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the American
Wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. North American colonial silver is distinguished for its simplicity and graceful forms, copied or adapted from English silver of the period. Meanwhile the colonial silver of Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, and Bolivia,
while mostly Spanish in concept, shows a blending of Iberian designs and forms,with indigenous influences that trace back to pre-Hispanic times. Most of these relics survive in churches as sacramental vessels.

19th century

Napoleon's empire brought French fashions back into prominence and the was widely followed on the Continent. England created their own more robust version of the Empire style.A recognizable Victorian style evolved in particular high-quality buttons, coins, sterling silver, and Sheffield
plate, establishing new high standards of design and of factory management and welfare services. This was followed by the craft revival associated with William Morris and the distinctive Art Nouveau style.


Factories evolved using modern equipment—for example,laser stone cutting,stamping, pressing,spinning, casting, and mechanical polishing—account. These factories supply nearly all
high street jewellery retailers. The evolution of style is now dictated by the buying public. Little has changed in the design of gold engagement or wedding rings however fashion demands have created an enviroment were the most lively designs are often those for costume and silver jewelry.

In Paris, designs by René Lalique inspired Art Nouveau, whilst in Moscow, Peter Carl Fabergé set a superb standard of craftsmanship for small ornaments. In Denmark, Georg Jensen, with Johan Rohde and others achieved not only an individual Danish style but built up several factories with retail outlets across the world, thus proving that good modern design in silver
jewellery need not be confined to artists' studios.
Jeff Hall is the c.e.o. of the silverstall which houses a large collection of silver jewellery, a selection of which can be found at

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Sterling Silver Jewelry: From Humble Beginnings to Exquisite Craftsmanship

When we think of silver, the first thing that comes to mind is sterling silver jewelry. Yet, the history of silver and the uses for silver are rich and varied. According to The Silver Institute, a worldwide association of silver miners, refiners, fabricators, and manufacturers, the area today known as Turkey was the first location where silver was mined. That was around 4000 B.C. Around 1200 B.C., the center of silver mining moved to an area near Athens. According to The Silver Institute, during the height of production, the mines near Athens produced about one million troy ounces each year. Over the first millennium A.D., Spain became a prominent producer of silver, which was vital to the Asian spice trade. From 1500 through 1800 A.D., Peru, Mexico, and Bolivia produced most of the world's silver. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the discovery of silver deposits in Nevada, Colorado, and Utah caused production to explode. According to the Silver Institute, "Production over the last quarter of the 19th century quadrupled over the average of the first 75 years to a total of nearly 120 million troy ounces annually." Today, the vast majority of silver is used in industrial applications ranging from the medical use of silver sulfadiazine to treat burn victims to solar energy's use of silver paste in crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells. Still, over 250 million ounces of silver are used each year to make silverware and silver jewelry. Your silver chain, silver bracelet, locket, silver earring, and wedding ring are all part of a rich history of silver. Sterling silver jewelry comes in a variety of forms. One of the most popular uses of sterling silver jewelry is in silver chain. Silver chain is made in a number of different styles, including curb, cable, figaro, rope, box, snake, and herringbone. Some artisans use custom styling and may make silver chain in shapes like the rolled anchor, figure eight, alternating short- and long-link, diamond cut, and double rope. Silver chain provides the perfect backdrop for a locket or charm bracelet. A simple sterling silver necklace, bracelet, or ankle bracelet can also be worn on its own for understated elegance. The craftsmanship of sterling silver jewelry is apparent in the glint of a silver earring or the selection of a once in a lifetime wedding band. Used as the setting for any number of pieces, today's most popular sterling silver jewelry items include Celtic designs, pentagram and pentacle designs, handcrafted glass bead designs, and Bali designs.
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Visit this Jewelry Website and Majon's Jewelry directory.

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Silver Dollar Values Fall and Increase in Value Without Warning

While many coins are desired by coin collectors there is a group of people who concentrate on collecting silver dollars. As these silver dollars are not that plentiful the choices that are made should be ones where the coin is known to increase in value with the passage of time. Unlike other coins silver dollar values can be found on the internet as well as from coin dealers.

Since there are not many of these silver dollars to be found you may want to research the ones that are known to give good value for money. You can choose the ones like the Morgan silver dollars or the Peace silver dollar as being silver dollars that you should think about adding to your collection. The silver dollar values for these are currently known and documented on the internet.

For example the Morgan silver dollar values are shown to increase for all of the versions. These types of silver dollars are considered by coin collectors to be investments for the future. Therefore the wise coin collector will look to see the silver dollar values for each of these to see which ones they want to buy.

As was stated earlier the other silver dollar that many coin collectors are interested in is that of the Peace silver dollar. This silver dollar came into production after 1918. This time was right after the World War I ended. As not many of these Peace silver dollars were minted they are considered as
being rare. Therefore you can expect the silver dollar values for these coins to be expensive.

Out of the Peace silver dollars the ones that were minted at the Philadelphia mint are considered to be even more valuable than the other Peace dollars. The Peace silver dollar values for the 1928 coin are significantly higher in price. To gain a clear idea of the various values that are given for silver dollars you should look for information that deals with this issue. The information will help you when you take your silver coins to be appraised at coin dealers.

These silver dollar values can rise and fall without much warning, therefore if you are thinking of selling your silver dollars you should first choose a period of time when the values are known to be steadily climbing. With the few silver dollars out in the market you will need to choose the ones that will give you a good investment if you are looking to have your coin collection increase in value.

Muna wa Wanjiru is a web administrator and has been researching and reporting on internet marketing for years. For more information on silver dollar values, visit his site at silver dollar


Branson vacation at Silver Dollar City Theme Park

Branson, Missouri remains one of the most popular vacation destinations in the country. And Silver Dollar City remains one of the most popular vacation destinations in Branson!

At Silver Dollar City, visitors can travel back in time to the simplicity of 1880s America while enjoying all the thrills and excitement of today's theme parks. The park offers a unique combination of modern day attractions and rides with a historical perspective that includes Branson craftsmen demonstrating skills in pioneer crafts.

Craftsmen include a silversmith, potter, blacksmith, candy maker, glass cutter, coppersmith, basket maker and more.

Of course, Branson is considered the "live entertainment capital of the world" and Silver Dollar City continues that tradition by offering more than 40 live shows daily. From children's favorites like VeggieTales® to Choctaw Charlie's Frontier Follies and The Magic of Peter Gossamer, there are a myriad of shows and musical extravaganzas that are sure to entertain the entire family.

For the young and young at heart, Silver Dollar City still adds up to excitement. That means rides like Wildfire®, a high-flying, multi-looping roller coaster that hits speeds up to 66 miles-per-hour! Or The Giant Swing where you'll climb aboard a giant pendulum and sail at 45 mph while soaring 7 stories into the sky as you swing 230 degrees from side to side.

Another popular ride at Silver Dollar City is PowderKeg®. This highly explosive coaster launches riders from 0 to 53 mph in just 2.8 seconds, combining speed with spiraling turns for a truly hair-raising experience. Of course, for those looking for a little less excitement, the park also offers gentler rides such as the Silver Dollar Line Steam Train.

Silver Dollar City is also home to six amazing Festivals throughout the year. Spring brings international performers to Missouri's heartland for World-Fest, and two of America's greatest traditions are celebrated during the Midwest's biggest gathering of Bluegrass & BBQ.

Summer months are filled with special fun for the little ones as the park celebrates KidsFest. Then as the leaves begin to change colors throughout the spectacular Ozark Mountains, Silver Dollar City celebrates fall by hosting some of the most popular names in Gospel music on stages throughout the park during the Southern Gospel Picnic. Another fall favorite is the National Harvest Festival featuring authentic harvest-time foods and a variety of craftsmen demonstrating their skills. Finally, the park brings home the spirit of the holiday season with its annual Old Time Christmas festival, nationally recognized for delivering one of the best holiday light shows in America.

For more information about discount Branson vacation packages, discount Branson shows and discount Silver Dollar City tickets, please visit

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Silver Certificates: How Much Is A 1957 Silver Certificate Worth?

The 1957 Silver Certificate is perhaps one of the most common of all the silver certificate dates. Did you know that there are many rare silver certificates that are valued at more than $200! However, according to the most recent Black Book figures, the retail value for this particular date is around . . .
The 1957 Silver Certificate is a type of paper currency that was once minted in the United States, equal and redeemable for an equal amount of silver bullion. This $1 certificate was part of what was known as the small-note series. Beginning with the 1928 series, all United States paper currency was reduced in size to cut costs and to speed up the pace of transactions. Before 1934, silver certificates were redeemable for actual silver dollars. However, Congress passed legislation in 1934 that allowed the government to exchange a certificate for silver bullion and not specifically silver dollars. In the 1940's and 1950's, silver certificates began to disappear from circulation. The number of notes in circulation depended upon the amount of silver bullion that was contained in the vaults of the U.S. Treasury. Less silver was being produced. So, when a note was redeemed for silver bullion or dollars, it was shredded. It could not be put back into circulation unless the amount of silver being produced was increased. The 1957 Silver Certificate is one of the most common certificate dates. There are many rare silver certificates that are valued at more than $200. This is not the case with the 1957 version. According to the most recent Black Book figures, the retail value for this particular date is perhaps $5.00 or $6.00 in crisp, uncirculated condition. In circulated condition, it is worth just a little over face value. Always keep in mind that the figures quoted in various coin books are for retail value. A dealer would tend to offer less, anywhere from twenty to forty percent lower than the retail price.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.

How To Remove Tarnish From Silver Without Losing Any Of The Silver

Tarnish occurs because surface molecules of the silver react with sulphur from the air, or certain foodstuffs such as eggs, to form a compound called silver sulphide. So when you polish it off, you are actually removing some of the silver. For silver plated items, this means that with repeated polishing over many years there is a danger of wearing completely through the plating and exposing the base metal. The only solution then is to have the item re-plated.

So a better idea is to remove the tarnish by converting the silver sulphide back into silver. This is quite easy to do and doesn't require any sophisticated equipment. You will just need a bowl large enough to allow the silver item to be completely submerged, some hot water, some aluminium foil and some baking soda.

Line the bottom of the bowl with aluminium foil and put in the silver item, making sure it is in contact with the foil. Boil enough water to immerse the item and pour it over. Sprinkle the baking soda into the water, using about 1 tablespoon for each pint of water. It will froth and foam and may spill over the top of the bowl, so best do this in the sink. Straightaway, you should see the tarnish begin to disappear. For lightly tarnished items, it should all be gone in a few minutes. For heavily tarnished items, you may need to re-heat the water when it has started to cool and repeat the treatment.

So how does it work?

Well, it is an electrochemical reaction. In the hot water and baking soda solution a small electric current is generated between the touching aluminium and silver. The electric current causes a chemical reaction between the aluminium and the sulphur because aluminium has a greater affinity with sulphur than silver has. The sulphur in the tarnish is attracted into the solution and towards the aluminium, leaving the silver behind, where it belongs. The reaction happens faster when the solution is hot. The compound formed when aluminium and sulphur react is called aluminium sulphide and that's what you will find floating in the bottom of the bowl or stuck to the foil when you are finished. And your silver will be bright and shiny.

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Colloidal Silver Facts

Colloidal silver facts abound, but misinformation about colloidal silver facts is also plentiful. Our purpose here is to provide three colloidal silver facts, coupled with warnings.

Products sold under the general label "colloidal silver" may actually be any one of three distinct products:

- Ionic silver
- Silver protein
- True colloidal silver

Colloidal Silver Fact - Ionic Silver

Most products labeled and sold as colloidal silver are, unfortunately, ionic silver. This is because it is so much easier and less costly to produce this type of silver product. Among misrepresented colloidal silver facts, this is perhaps the most common.

Ionic silver products are made up of silver ions and silver particles. Using electrolysis, the manufacturer produces silver ions. Silver ions are really dissolved silver. Because most of the silver (about 90%) in ionic silver products is dissolved silver instead of silver particles, these are really solutions of silver.

These products are frequently advertised as containing silver ions that are small silver particles. That is confusing, however, since silver ions are different from silver particles.

Silver ions combine with chloride ions to form silver chloride, but silver particles do not.

Some manufacturers hide the identity of their ionic silver behind terms such as monatomic silver and silver hydrosol. These names are used to hide the truth from you. You are getting an ionic silver solution, not colloidal silver.


If the product is clear, like water with sugar dissolved in it, it is ionic silver, not colloidal silver. Colloidal silver has an apparent color. This is a colloidal silver fact.


Add table salt to the product. If silver ions are present, the solution should turn cloudy. If it remains clear, however, it may simply mean no silver is present at all. Unfortunately, lab analysis has shown that some "silver" products contain absolutely no silver.

Some Products that test out to be ionic silver:

- Alchemists Workshop Colloidal Silver 10 ppm
- Earth's Bounty Colloidal Silver 5 ppm
- Earthborn Products Colloidal Silver 100 ppm
- High Energy Labs Colloidal Silver 15 ppm
- Pro Star Colloidal Silver 10 ppm
- Survival Enterprises Colloidal Silver 3 ppm
- Ultra Pure Colloidal Silver 35 ppm

Colloidal Silver Fact - Silver Protein

Silver protein products, though often called colloidal silver, are nothing more than silver particles combined with protein. They can be made easily and at little cost. One needs only to add water to silver protein powder. The powder is sold by many chemical companies. This is the second most commonly misunderstood of colloidal silver facts.

If the colloidal silver product you are considering claims to be a high concentration of colloidal silver, it is very likely silver protein. Silver protein products usually have large silver particles. They could not remain suspended unless protein was added. Protein helps keep the particles from settling.

What kind of protein is used? Usually, it is gelatin made from animals. The risk of bacteria from the gelatin is one of the dangers of taking silver protein products.


Silver protein products are the least effective for human use. In addition, silver protein products are known to cause Argyria - bluish skin tone. The condition is due to the high concentration of large silver particles. This is a colloidal silver fact.


Shake the product. If foam appears above the liquid and remains a few minutes, you probably do not have a colloidal silver product.

Some Products that test out to be silver protein:

- Futurebiotics Advanced Colloidal Silver 10 ppm
- Innovative Natural Products - Super Colloidal Silver 2000 ppm
- International Pharmaceuticals - Invive 500 ppm
- N-Ergetics Colloidal Silver 1100 ppm

Colloidal Silver Facts - True Colloidal Silver

These products are the most difficult to find, but are the products you want if you are going to use colloidal silver. True colloidal silver products present both difficulties and high cost to the manufacturer. Those who want you to misunderstand this colloidal silver fact want to make money from inferior products.

A colloid is a combination of particles of one substance, dispersed throughout another substance, which are too small to be seen with an ordinary light microscope, but cannot pass through a semipermeable membrane.

When referring to colloidal silver, the word colloid means silver particles. True colloidal silver contains mostly silver particles. True colloidal silver will usually contain 50 to 80% silver particles. The remainder will be silver ions.

True colloidal silver products have the highest total surface area of all the particles taken together. This is important. High surface area determines how effective the colloidal silver will be. The extremely small particles in true silver colloids, with their high surface area, remain in colloidal suspension on their own. There is no need to add protein or other substances.


True silver colloids do not cause Argyria, the condition that causes skin to turn blue-gray. Their freedom from this condition is due to the low amount of ionic silver and the small size of the silver particles. This is a colloidal silver fact.


Look for an apparent color. Add salt, as described above under "Ionic Silver". Shake as described under "Silver Protein". True colloidal silver should pass all three tests.

Some Products that test out to be true colloidal silver:

- Advanced Colloidal Silver (Utopia Silver) 20 ppm
- Kelly Colloidal Silver 20 ppm
- Mesosilver 20 ppm
- Vitol Super Colloidal Silver 5 ppm
- Wellness Colloidal Silver 30 ppm

Whichever product you finally purchase, be sure to check with your health-care provider before using it. Be sure you share with him or her the colloidal silver facts learned here.

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Jewelery For Modern Woman

In the world of fashion, what was cherished yesterday is not wanted today. What is defined as fashionable today is termed clichéd tomorrow. Not only fashion changes with the tastes and outlook of people, it is also determined by the economic scenario at that time. Today while choosing jewelry women tend to pass over gold and platinum jewelry with diamonds. Gorgeous gold and platinum sets are slowly turning out of fashion.

Modern working girls now days dislike heavy jewelry on them as they have to avail public transport. Also spending long hours at work with such heavy jewelry make them feel uncomfortable. Sometimes under the scorching sun in the summer, the tan and color of these costly ornaments tend to get discolored and lose their shine. To re polish them takes a considerable sum of money. As mentioned earlier the economic conditions of the people also play a big role in buying jewelry. A large section of jewelry business thrives on the sell to middleclass and higher middleclass people. And in today’s recession period people find it extremely difficult to spend fortunes on buying ornaments; diamonds, platinum, gold prices are already skyrocketing. So do they stop buying jewelry? Will the beauty of beautiful women be enhanced with jewelry? The answer is no. It must not be forgotten that there is no lady who won’t like to adorn herself with jewelry. So now silver seems to be slowly capturing the jewelry world. Silver is fast rising from the dining tables and show pieces in the drawing rooms to the necks, arms, ears and fingers of beautiful women.

Instead of purchasing platinum or gold decorated with diamonds, people buy silver jewelry. Now the doubt may rise as silver can corrode away due to heavy use, as we see in case of our costly cutlery. To remove that fear of corrosion silver items are plated with rhodium. Because of the highly corrosion-resistant nature of rhodium, it’s now in use for quite a number of years as a material to plate silver jewelry. Not many people are aware of the element rhodium. Rhodium can be said to be of the same lineage as platinum. The difference is, it is much less expensive hence rhodium plated silver ornaments are easily within reach of most people. The color of rhodium is bright white. The silver ornaments plated with rhodium gives a highly bright shine, a quality rendered to it by rhodium. Modern ladies are involved in a lot of outdoor activities, like sports etc. However even they can wear rhodium plated silver jewelry. Rhodium is so hard a material that the item becomes almost scratch proof. So these ladies may indulge in any activity without the fear that their ornaments will get scratched or disfigured!

Diamonds and other costly stones like turquoise, emerald, as already mentioned earlier have become out of reach of common men. But they give a special look to the jewelry. Cubic zirconia has come to replace these costly stones. Cubic zirconia is easily set into these ornaments. They don’t look cheap in any way from diamonds, but exquisite. Only they are much more affordable. Fashion specialists like Christian Dior, Gucci and brands like Tiffany make silver items plated with rhodium and designed with the use of Cubic zirconia. Not only affordable but it is also very much safe to wear at anytime at any place.

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Men’s Watches: Time on Your Wrist

In India there is a saying, “A man is always respected when he is able to take care of the timeliness of all his actions and commitments.” One thing that helps every man to keep his time commitments is a wrist watch that is able to work as a perfect timekeeping device. There are many watch brands offering men s wristwatches. Rolex is however, one of the most popular watch brands that stand out for its supreme expertise in watch making. Every men's Rolex watch is a true example of class and elegance.

Every Rolex watch part, be it the case, dial, hands, crown, crystal, bezel, lugs, or bracelet are crafted to create a complete masterpiece. Every watch is manufactured in a year long process going through 163 to 220 detailed steps. The case goes through pressure-proof testing once it receives its crystal, crown, and case back. After the watch passes this test, it is disassembled and the process of housing the movement begins. At least, 400 operations are performed on the main plate alone. If the movement deviates by no more than -1 or +5 second per day, it is sent for an independent chronometer testing. If it fails the test, it is completely dismantled and rebuilt from scratch. Such a grueling process ensures reliability in all respects. Each watch comes with a hermetic seal against moisture and dust. The sapphire crystal is effective in providing scratch resistance or a scratch resistant surface. Besides, for every watch, a random durability test is conducted, wherein, the is exposed to a highly corrosive climate of recycled vapor.

There is no competition to the popularity or lineage of Rolex men's watches in terms of reliability, durability, performance and of course, looks. As a result, Rolex has become one of the most desirable watch brands in the world. Every watch is a result of supreme craftsmanship and technological expertise. Every man would feel extremely proud to flaunt a Rolex.

Every Rolex men's wristwatch adds to the style statement of a man. There is a wide range of selection that you can choose from to match your personality. One of the most popular models is the Men's Champagne Diamond Dial Rolex Day Date Presidential. It is a superb model with a champagne diamond dial having 8 round cut and 2 baguette cut diamond set in 18k yellow gold. The case is made from 18k yellow gold with 18k yellow gold crown. Its beadset diamond bezel with 40 round cut diamonds set in 18k yellow gold is an added attraction. It is also available in other popular dial colors such as silver, blue and mother of pearl. Another equally impressive model is the Men's Two Tone Black Dial Fluted Bezel Rolex Datejust. The case is made from stainless steel with 18k yellow gold crown. It features an attractive black diamond dial with 10 round cut diamonds set in 18k yellow gold. Its Italian made 18k yellow gold and stainless steel jubilee bracelet is quite fascinating.

Now, if you are thinking that you have to spend huge bucks to own a masterpiece like a Rolex, you may not be aware of the golden opportunity just a click away. Visit the site that offers authentic preowned Rolex wristwatches at affordable prices. Also offered are other accessories to enhance the beauty of your Rolex. Choose the one that you have always dreamed to own one day.

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Improve Your Golf Game - Harvey Pennick Says Build Your Game Around Your Best Golf Iron

Are you looking for some silver bullet to improve your golf game? There's no such thing, but I've been (re)reading Harvey Pennick's books on golf, and something struck me. Something he said really stuck in my mind: If you are an amateur golfer, you can get very good results by building your game around your #5 or #7 iron.

Now, who is Harvey Pennick and why should you listen to him? In his heyday, Mr. Pennick was golf coach to several US Open Winners - Tom Kite among the most prominent of his students. He also successfully coached university golf teams, and more than a few weekend golfers. He ended his career as the much-beloved club pro of the Austin Country Club, having successfully seen to the golfing needs of hundreds of club members.

So why does he say stick to one iron, especially the #5 or #7? First of all, the #5 and #7 irons are the most used golf irons among amateurs, being medium range clubs for many golfers. Once you are off the tee and on the fairway, you no longer need the range of the driver. Looking back, my best shots on the fairway were always aimed at some particular point I could see clearly. And any point I could see clearly was within range of my #5 iron.

The point is: when you stick with one main iron, you get better faster (with it). It becomes your best buddy, the one you go to most often. You quickly learn what it can do, and what it can't. You learn how to bend its performance to meet your needs. A lot of uncertainty disappears.

Let's say you make the #5 your favorite. You are faced with a tricky shot. You estimate the distance at 70 yards with a 15 yard margin of error to the bunker ... you hope. You know your #5 iron can give you that distance with a 3/4 backswing. You know because you have done it many, many times in the past, because this is the club you build your game around. You swing your club, and lo and behold, the ball rolls to a stop with 5 yards to spare.

In theory, you could have done the same thing with a full swing from your #7 iron. But you can't be sure, because you don't play enough golf to practice equally with both clubs. So you have to choose, jack of all trades, master of none, by playing all your irons from #3 to #9, or just master one iron, which can get you most places you need to go.

Remember that you are a weekend golfer. You don't play the US Open, and don't need to master every iron in your bag. You don't need the level of precision and control which every iron can give you.

Unless you can spend everyday on the golf course, the fastest way to improve your golf game is to simplify your game as much as possible. Minimize the number of clubs you actually play with in order to develop the skill and consistency with those clubs quickly. Stick with the driver, #5 iron, putter and one wedge, and you'll see real improvement quickly. These four clubs will serve you most of your time.


Travel Tips and Bits Venice

Venice is a city of palatial buildings, magnificent churches and water avenues.. Your travel dream will come true walking the narrow streets and busy piazzas. While vacationing in Venice, remember a bit of information, that one of the wonderful sides of Venice is the private city. Buy a map before you go. On your adventure, take any canal or any corner of the city and all is completely different from anything we are used to in our steel and concrete cities. The most striking aspect is the incredible variety—no two canals, streets or blocks of houses are the same; every aspect of Venice is unique unto itself. On your travel experience take the Vaporetto (water bus) – a great way to transport you and your luggage for an inexpensive deal on transportation.
Venice appeals to the romantic imagination with its gondolas, the great canvases upon which its faces have been recorded, its buildings and monuments which are a virtual living museum.
There are 180 canals (28 miles of them). Each is about 12 feet wide and follow the path of the original 118 islands. You cannot begin to imagine the splendor of Venice until you see it.
Venice is divided into six districts, each of which is criss-crossed by a web of canals. As you walk along the labyrinth of corridors, you will see window sills that have flower pots which add a note of color to the streets, open squares and paved streets. Getting lost in Venice can be a lovely adventure as the house address numbers follow no pattern. Sightseeing in Venice will show you tunnels that actually cut into buildings. Life in Venice seems to go on mainly in the streets and squares and as you travel about the city, in summer, the squares become like drawing rooms. Venice is known for its hand blown glassware, fine lace, bronze objects, silverware, jewelry and furniture. Living the life of the Venetians is a truly unique travel experience. A bit of information; there was no sales tax on purchases under 300 Euro when we were last there.

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sterling Silver Jewelry: Classic But Unpretentious

Regardless of your age or gender, sterling silver jewelry's classic appeal never goes out of style. Sterling silver jewelry offers a precious metal at an affordable price, and comes in so many designs that you can collect pieces to go with every style and budget. Use sterling silver jewelry to define your style. For women, go casual with a turquoise ring set in sterling silver, along with a complementary necklace and earrings. For work, dress up your career wear with sterling silver bracelets and relatively plain earrings, or go with a classic sterling silver watch. Transition to evening with a sterling silver hairpin or adornment, and add sparkle with diamond earrings set in sterling silver. Remember, sterling silver jewelry goes with any skin tone, and is appropriate for any occasion. Teens go for the bangle and the bling, so sterling silver jewelry in the form of bracelets, waist chains, and stackable rings are a sure hit. Retro sterling silver jewelry styles are the rage for rings - both finger and toe - and band bracelets - both for the wrist and the ankle. Men are increasingly turning to sterling silver jewelry as a means of self-expression. Whether incorporated into a watch or belt buckle, ear stud or key ring, sterling silver is a classic that never goes out of style. Caring for Sterling Silver Jewelry To preserve the beauty of your sterling silver jewelry, follow these steps: * Exposure to the air causes silver to tarnish, so keep your sterling silver jewelry in a bag made from tarnish-proof cloth, or in airtight container. * Avoid allowing your sterling silver jewelry to have prolonged contact with wood, as some woods contain acids that can dull the finish. * Alcohol, acetone, bleach, ammonia, and turpentine can damage sterling silver jewelry, so be sure to remove your rings and other sterling silver jewelry before using these products. * Regularly wipe down your sterling silver jewelry with a 100% cotton cloth, using a lengthwise, rather than circular motion. * Remove light tarnish with a silver cloth, available at mass merchandisers and from jewelers. * To remove heavy tarnish, use a liquid or paste silver polish and rinse with warm water. Make sure to dry it thoroughly before storing it in its cloth or airtight bag. Did You Know? * Sterling silver is a metal alloy, typically containing 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper. * Sterling silver jewelry is usually marked with the word, "Sterling," or ".925." * Fine silver (at least 99.9% pure silver) is too soft to use for jewelry. * Mexican silver is usually more pure than sterling silver, with 95% silver and 5% copper.
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Visit this Jewelry Website and Majon's Jewelry directory.

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How You Can Look Amazing With Silver

Well polished silver is a shiny white metal that reminds one of moonlight. Silver is a cool color. A silvery color resembling reflective surfaces at night when moon beams hit them. The lake at night for example.

The light that silver jewelry casts on the wearer is light moonlight. Lighting her features softly. In a very flattering light.

That said, silver can make a woman look her most beautiful.

Silver is a cool color. It enhances other cool colors beautifully. Silver brings out the best in black, blue, pure white and other true colors. If you look great in black, you should have a jewelry wardrobe full of silver jewelry. At least have a few pieces of sterling silver jewelry as these will enhance practically anything you wear.

If you look good in black, blue or fuschia outfits, you have cool skin tones. You WILL look amazing in anything silver. Get a selection of silver outfits to suit the personality you want to project.

If you have cool skin tones, anything silvery would look good on you. Decorate you home with silver accents as the silver would subtly enhance your beauty in your home. Drive a silver car, carry a silver bag. Basically surround yourself with silver items or silver trimmed things for that cool, flattering light.

On the other hand, if you have warm skin tones, what do you do? If you look great in earth tones, but terrible in black or blue, chances are that you have warm skin tones. Gold jewelry would be a better bet. You would look way better in gold accessories instead. You are better off avoiding large,
plain, purely silver jewelry as these would probably clash with your coloring.

Still, even if you have warm skin tones, you can get away with some types of silver jewelry. Just pick silver jewelry that is intertwined with gold in the design. Or you could easily carry off silver jewelry that is really small. In fact, you can look fabulous wearing silver jewelry set with stones with warm earthy colors. Try wearing your silver set with amber for example. Like these silver and amber necklaces. Wear silver if it is used to set something in a warm color that flatters you.

While polished silver is a bright white, silver tarnishes easily. With time, silver turns black. Constant polishing keeps it white and shiny, but some pieces look better as they tarnish. I used to make jewelry. some of the silver beads in my collection have rather intricate designs. The etched parts tarnish first, turning black, showing off the design beautifully. Adding character to the bead. Those beads look best when only the surface is polished. A thorough polishing so that even the etched parts turn white would result in beautifully white, shiny beads without much character.

Let your intricately designed silver jewelry tarnish slightly, to give it more character. More so than keeping it perfectly polished at all times.

Silver is an interesting metal used in jewelry making. Thanks to its price, it is often used to set semi-precious stones and to create more adventurous designs. The artisan can afford to take more risks when working with less expensive materials than the costlier ones. It is one of the basics you need in your jewelry wardrobe.


Silver Jewellery Gift Ideas - Silver Keyrings

If you are looking for a gift for a birthday or anniversary and are unsure about the recipients taste in fashion jewelry, why not buy a solid silver keyring? Most people have a novelty keyring or one with advertising on it, but these, while being practical are not very stylish when fished out of a pocket or a glamorous handbag.

The beauty of a solid silver keyring is that it can be engraved. Most people choose a name or initials, although some think that a monogram is more distinctive. If the keyring has a reverse, it can be used for the engraving of a cell or home phone number, so if your keys get lost a finder can contact you. Don't engrave an address or zip code unless you're happy to expect unwanted callers!
Flat Keyrings
There are two types of silver keyring. The first category are flat shapes cut out of a solid sheet of silver and then polished and hallmarked. They include dog tag designs, bottle openers and shapes like stars and hearts.
Cast Keyrings
The second type of silver keyring are those cast in solid silver to provide a three-dimensional keyring. Depending on their size, these can be quite heavy and chunky. They are particularly good for keyrings depicting sports or leisure pursuits. You can find soccer keyrings and also keyrings for car and horse lovers.

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Why is 925 silver jewellery hallmarked?

Let us first look at the law as it stands. In the UK nearly all high quality 925 sterling silver jewellery must be stamped with a 925 hallmark. A rigorous body of laws, dating back from Medieval times, governs the system and legal requirements of hallmarking. More recently the 1999 European regulations and directives have introduced further requirements to the Hallmarking Act 1973. Only those 925 silver items specifically excluded by law may legally avoid the requirement of a hallmark.

Similar laws apply all around the world and are usually just as firm as those in the UK. Where hallmarking laws exist you inevitably find an official body tasked with carefully monitoring the hallmarking system and empowered to issue hefty penalties for any breaches.

Now that we know what the law is, we can look at why it exists. In essence hallmarking laws are designed to protect the consumer. High quality 925 silver is a combination of 92.5% silver and the remaining 7.5% is composed of another alloy, added to increase durability and resistance to damage. Unscrupulous jewellery merchants and retailers were tempted in the past to reduce the total level of silver in this combination. Furthermore, the dishonest producers and sellers escaped punishment because it is impossible to assess the total percentage of silver in an item of jewellery without chemical testing it.

Although it is fine to sell silver jewellery which contains less than 92.5% silver, such jewellery can not be branded as 925 silver. 925 sterling silver has a reputation for excellence and is justifiably the consumer's preferred choice. It contains a high percentage of silver while the 7.5% alloy added to the mix enhances the quality and strength of each item. The benefits of passing-off inferior silver jewellery as 925 quality are therefore patently obvious.

The hallmarking system was designed to resolve the problems of dishonest traders and to address the drop in consumer's confidence in 925 silver. A third party - such as the current main Assay Offices of London, Birmingham, Sheffield and Edinburgh in the UK - would analyse and stamp each item of 925 jewellery. As this third party carried out all chemical analysis themselves, and then issued the hallmark stamp, all items stamped with the 925 hallmark were guaranteed to conformed to the required legal standard. Furthermore, heavy fines and criminal sanctions were introduced to ensure public trust in the hallmarking scheme.

The hallmarking scheme remains in operation today in the UK and most countries around the world use a similar system to ensure customers can buy 925 silver with confidence.

As an interesting historical side note the silver jewellery hallmark originated in the early Middle Ages in England. At first only the Goldsmith’s Hall in London was able to mark silver – thus the word hallmark, being a mark given in Goldsmith’s Hall, came into common use.

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Why We Call Silver Jewellery 'Sterling' Silver

We receive several enquiries each month, generally from existing customers, asking about the origins of the word 'sterling'.

I suppose most of these people have had a quick look over our small library of interesting silver jewellery facts but missed our brief article on the topic.

To discover the origins of the word we must go back hundreds of year in time to medieval England and the modern-day United Kingdom territories.

A form of currency was necessary for the ever-increasing levels of trade. Easterlings were one of these currencies, and were quite simply silver coins smelted and marked with their value based purely on their silver weight.

Sterling or sterlings was the abbreviation for this commonly used tender - and to this day the word remains in use all over the world.

As a brief side note of some interest easterlings were valued purely by their weight but over time monarchs debased this silver currency by adding additional alloys and removing a small amount of silver. This resulted in devalued coins as although their weight remained unchanged, the total level of silver in the coins was reduced.

Many historians suspect this was one of the key reasons for rapid inflation rates under the rule of kings Henry VII and Henry VIII.

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Not All Silver is Created Equally

When investing in silver or buying silver bullion coins, on of the toughest choices to make is which type of silver to buy. You may decide to buy silver and, knowing nothing about the different types of silver coins, end up with a sub-par investment with a premium price tag. This is a big mistake so it is highly recommended you take a few minutes to educate yourself on the different types of physical silver and know what you are really paying for. Your precious metals investment portfolio (and your pocketbook) will thank you for it.

First things first. There are many different phrases associated with silver and these terms will usually tell you the purity of the silver. It is important to know how pure your silver is (aka, how much silver the coins or bullion actually contain). You don’t want to pay for pure silver if the coins contain anything less than pure silver. This may sound like common sense but knowing what you’re getting can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Silver War Nickels
Don’t be fooled by the name. Just because someone calls them “silver”, doesn’t mean “war nickels” contain as much silver as other silver coins. In fact, a silver war nickel (minted in the U.S. from 1942-1945 and called “war” nickels because of WWII) contains only 35% silver. The rest of the coin is made from copper and manganese. So if someone tries to sell you an ounce of silver war nickels and wants the same price as an ounce of pure silver, you can be sure the investment is a poor one. There’s no reason to pay for the full weight of the coin in silver prices when the majority of metal you receive is copper. On the other hand, because of the low silver content in war nickels, their “premium” (the amount charged above and beyond the “spot price” of silver) is relatively low. There just isn’t as much demand for the coins and thus coin shops and bullion dealers can’t charge much “extra” for them.

40% Silver Coins
These coins are just as the name implies – they contain 40% silver. Thus, they should cost roughly 40% of what a pure silver coin can be purchased for. I say “roughly” because each coin carries a premium, and the premium can be different depending on the type of coin, numismatic (collector) value, the purity (silver content) and many other variables. Just keep in mind that if you buy 40% silver coins, the price should be reflecting of this. The most popular 40% silver coins are U.S. Kennedy half dollars that were minted from 1965-1969. (Note that other half dollars may contain more silver – as noted below, and some contain no silver at all)
I’d also like to mention “silver” Eisenhower dollars here. While there are some silver “Ike” dollars that contain 40% silver – these were only made as “uncirculated” collector’s items or included in “proof” sets. Ironically, a typical Eisenhower “silver” dollar contains no silver at all. It’s mostly made of copper!

90% Silver Coins
Again, these coins are just as the name implies – they contain 90% silver. This includes all U.S. dimes, quarters and half dollars minted before 1965. It also includes silver Morgan Dollars and silver Peace Dollars (which were minted until 1935). It’s interesting to note that the older silver dollars do not contain an ounce of silver, even though some shady individuals will try to sell them as “silver 1oz dollars”. In reality they contain approximately ¾ of an ounce of silver, give or take depending on the condition of the coins.

Non-U.S. Silver Coins
Old coins from many different countries contain silver. However there are way too many countries in the world and way to many silver coins with varying silver content to cover them all here. Keep in mind if you buy a foreign (outside the U.S.) silver coin, the silver content is not always the same for each country and does not exceed 90% (since a pure silver coin is not considered durable enough to endure the abuse and wear of being circulated).

Sterling Silver
Here’s an interesting silver investment – sterling. Some people confuse “sterling” silver with “pure” silver, and even more sellers are happy to let you make that assumption. Be extra careful when purchasing sterling silver since many people will price it as high as pure silver. Again, sterling silver is not pure silver, it contains 92.5% silver and the price should be reflective of this.

Pure Silver or Bullion Silver
Ok, now we’re up to pure silver, but even here not all silver is created equal. Finding 100% pure silver is almost impossible, most likely because no bullion dealers want to guarantee the precious metal contains no impurities whatsoever. Instead, most “pure” silver is 99.9% pure, meaning it’s about as good as you can get. In most cases the word “bullion” and “pure” are interchangeable, but again there are unscrupulous individuals who want nothing more than to take your money so make sure to check the silver content before purchasing bullion silver. Bullion and pure silver coins and bars usually have the purity marked right on the metal.
Canadian maple leaf silver coins have gone one step further and added another “9” to their purity. They are guaranteed to be 99.99% pure silver by the Canadian mint.

I hope this overview and primer on coins and their silver content has been informative and given you more confidence in making a silver investment. While we couldn’t cover all types of silver coins and their content, this should give you a head start and enough informational ammo to ensure you’re getting what you pay for with your next silver purchase.

Good luck and happy investing.

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"What Really Makes You Tick?" 10 questions you should ask to yourself

Be all you can be, but it's not always in the Army. I often envision myself as rather satisfied with my life the way things are, but of course it's intense to think of anything else when there are real matters to be discussed.

In spite of everything I seek for something deeper and more meaningful.

So we're all pelted with tribulations. Certainly it shouldn't even hassle or even impede us to becoming all we should to be. Dreams as youth should continue to live inside us, even though it would be short-lived or as long as we could hold on to the dream. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks or can they?

1. What do I in reality desire?
The probe of the ages. So many things you want to do with your being and so little time to even go about throughout the day.

Find something that you are talented at can help realize that slight step towards advance. Conscientiousness is the basis to be aware that it is worth it.

2. Should I in fact change?
Persons in the present day have taken a new height of redefining 'self', or at least that's what the kids are saying. Having an army of teenage nieces and nephews has taught me that there are far worse things that they could have had than acne or maybe even promiscuity. So how does that fit into your lifestyle?

If the past has taught us one thing, it's the existence that we have gone through. Try to see if carousing Seventies style wouldn't appeal to the younger age group, but dancing is part of partying. Examine them clap after showing them how to really dance than break their bones in break-dancing.

3. Is there an up side to all of this? With so much occuring near us there just seems to be no space for even considering that silver lining. We can still envision it as something unquestionable without undergoing so much inspection. And if it's a train at the end of the tunnel, take it for a ride and see what makes the world go round!

4. Am I at ease with what I'm up to?
There is constantly the undemanding way and the correct way when it comes to deciding what accompanies which shoes, or purse, shirt, tie, and whatnot. It doesn't require a genius to see you as somebody exceptional, or else we willall be equally the same in everything we do. Variety brings in vastly fascinating and exciting inquiries to be experimented.

5. Have I done as much as necessary myself?
Have you, or is there something further you want to do? Discontentment in all side can be perilous in significant doses, but in tiny amounts you'll be able to perceive and do stuff you could never dream doing.

6. Am I contented with where I am now?
It is an unfair question so let it be the response! You love being a good and loving mom or dad to your kids, then take it up a notch! Your kids will love you forever. The same goes with everyday life!

7. Am I attractive to the opposite gender?
So possibly I don't hold an reply to that, but that doesn't mean I can't try it, nevertheless. Whether you get in shape, change the way you wear your clothes or hair, or even your attitude towards people, you should always remember it will always be for your own benefit.

8. How much can I have?
I suppose in this case there is no such things on having things too much or too little, but it's more on how much you really need it. I would like to have bags of cash, no denying that, but the inquiry is that how much are you disposed to exert yourself for it?

9. What motivates myself?
What motivates you? It is an answer you have to discover for yourself. There are so many things that can make everyone happy, but to choose one of the may be the hardest part. It's not like you can't have one serving of your favorite food in a buffet and that's it. Just try it little by little.

10. What Truly Makes You Tick?
What is it? What in fact makes you tick? You can be just about anything you always wanted to be, but to realize that attaining something that may seem very difficult is already giving up before you even start that journey. Always remember, that self-improvement is not just about the physical or philosophical change you have to undergo, but it's something that you really want.

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The Perfect Wedding Ring Sets

The wedding ring is perhaps the single most important piece of jewelry that you will give to your spouse in your lifetime. It is important that you choose a timeless ring that will not become outdated or unstylish after a length of time. Men and women have different options available to them when choosing a wedding ring and it is not required that they choose matching rings. The couple traditionally picks out their rings together so there is no need for either the bride or groom to become unnecessarily stressed out about choosing the perfect wedding ring. Choosing the rings together takes a great deal of pressure off of the couple because they do not have to worry that their spouse may not like the ring that is expected to last for their entire lifetime.

The material of the ring is an important consideration for both men’s and women’s rings. The most common materials include gold, silver and platinum although the rings can be made of any material that the couple chooses. Gold is the most popular wedding ring material. Gold can be 14 karat gold, 18 karat gold and 24 karat gold. Of these three options 14 karat gold is the type that is most recommended for wedding rings. 14 karat gold is durable without sacrificing luster. 18 karat gold can also be used for wedding rings but because it is a softer metal it is more prone to scratches. 24 karat gold is even softer than 18 karat gold and many do not recommended creating rings out of 24 karat gold because it is so prone to scratches. Silver is another metal that can also be used in creating a wedding ring. Silver is a soft white metal that is very soft and therefore prone to scratching. Additionally it is also prone to tarnishing and discolorations but it is still a popular choice because of its relatively low cost. Platinum is a precious metal that is becoming increasingly popular as wedding ring material. Although platinum is considered too soft to be used in making rings, small amounts of ruthenium and iridium can be added to platinum to increase the hardness and result in a wedding ring that is extremely durable.

After choosing a metal for the wedding ring, it is time to consider the style of the ring. When it comes to style there are even more options available then there are for metals. Some of the basic wedding ring styles include flat bands, half-round bands and comfit bands. A flat band is one that is rectangular in cross section. These types of bands are also decorated with engravings. Half-round bands are the most traditional style available. These bands are flat on the underside or against the finger and have an arched structure on the top. Comfort-fit bands feature an oval cross section and they are heavier and more expensive than the other types of rings. If a bride intends to wear her wedding band with her engagement ring, she should consider choosing a wedding band style that matches her engagement ring so that neither one overpowers the other.

Once you have decided on a metal and style, it is time to choose whether or not to engrave your wedding ring. A good jeweler should be capable of engraving anything you want onto your ring including letters, numbers and symbols. Many couples choose to have their names or initial along with the wedding date engraved on the inside of the ring. This is not necessary though as the couple is not required to have the rings engraved. If the couple does opt for engraving though, they must realize that they can choose to engrave anything they wish on the rings. It could either be names and the wedding date or a phrase that has significant meaning to the couple.

The wedding ring is a very important piece of jewelry because it is meant to be worn for a lifetime. When choosing a wedding ring the material of the ring, the style of the ring and whether or not to include an engraved sentiment are just a few of the factors to consider. Shopping for a wedding ring can be a wonderful experience if the couple makes an effort to enjoy the experience instead of stressing about it.

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Xbox 360 Live - No Wireless Adapter Needed!

There are some fresh good news about the Xbox 360 live that every owner of it should know about. The first news is the division of Xbox 360 live into 2 different services - the gold and silver. Below is a brief discussion on how both of these Xbox 360 live services work so that you can have a much wider comprehension on which service suits your need.

Xbox 360 Live - Gold

An awesome way to play game online is making use of the Gold service that contains different functions. Firstly, is how your avatar appears online and to the whole world. You can set up your own personal "motto" in your account and other online gamers can view it. Moreover, in your account is a record of your achievements, which will pose all your earnings and other useful information each time you play online. You may also add this link to your personal Facebook account so that people will have access and updates regarding your accomplishments. This is an advantageous way to build a good reputation, for when players like to play with you, they can vote for you, which will give you easier access to other games as well. Moreover, it will be more convenient to deprive yourself from unruly players or those with a difficult attitude.

Xbox 360 Live - Silver

The free version of Xbox 360 live is the Xbox 360 live silver service. This service offers the players an easy online access as well as some game downloads. Furthermore, to have constant communication with other Xbox live players, you can make use of the voice chat. The drawback of this service is that, these are just the features they can provide. In addition, this particular service will not be useful if you intend to play online games. Although it gives you all the necessary content you need for a single player game, you will not be able to access this until a week after the gold subscribers. In my opinion, the Xbox 360 live gold is the better option since this is the service by which the Xbox genuinely becomes real.

The gamer scores are consistently tracking your total player achievement points. In addition, you may contain an online friends list, which will list all of your preferred friends. You may add and contain hundreds of people on your list. Moreover, it will allow you to detect whether any of your friends are online. A recent additional feature is a player list, which lists the last 50 players that you have played with.

These are just some of the available features you can avail with Xbox 360 live: Integration with many Microsoft products including chat and video programs, daily messenger and other improvements in chat integration.

Thus, the greatest way to obtain a 100% percent assurance that you can avail of the Xbox 360 Live without the necessity of a wireless adapter is to ask some real advice from a professional that has sufficient knowledge on how it works.


Antique furniture restoration-00-79

Restoration can be as simple as light cleaning to remove disfiguring dirt or grime, such as on the surface of a painting, or it may include near complete rebuilding or replacement, as might be the case with old automobiles or furniture. Often done in preparation for sale, or by a collector upon acquiring a new piece, the main goal of restoration is to "restore" the original appearance or functionality of a piece. There is a lot of difference between restoring and repairing. You may achieve functionality with a repair, but restoring an item properly is an art-form. Finishes might/may be stripped and redone, but it is essential that the original patination is retained, if possible. Stripping is only done as a last resort, especially with antique furniture. Engines might be rebuilt with new parts as necessary, or holes in a [silver] pot might/may be patched. While some of these practices are frowned on by many museums, scholars, and other experts, for many people there is little value in an antique that is unusable or not able to be displayed. Poor restoration is the bane of a trained restorer. Working on someone else's bad repair is the worst possible situation. Often with antique restoration, there are also other issues as well. For example, some collectors value "patina", or also want an item to still reflect an aesthetic that shows its age- in this respect, an "over restored" item can actually take away from its value than if nothing has been done to the item at all. Therefore, restoration should always be left to professionals who are sensitive to all of the issues- insuring that a piece retains or increases its value after restoration.

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Monday, August 17, 2009

The Best Silver Miner in the World By David Morgan

Before giving our view on the best silver miner in the world a little background information is necessary. First, the reader should ask why invest in the mining industry at all? The answer to us is covered in our third rule of silver investing below.

This third rule of Silver Investing can be found in the global-investor book of Investing Rules.

This rule is one that many silver investors know quite well and the joys of watching your mining stock outperform the increase in bullion prices by a factor of two or three to one is exciting. However, leverage works in both directions and when the price of the precious metals fall back the mining shares fall back hard. This is normal market behavior and should be anticipated by the savvy metals investor.

Again, mining shares analysis is difficult and in the speculative area nearly impossible. Because of this fact, it is important to do your own homework carefully. Also you can subscribe to a service that provides insights into this area. We do our best to diversify and to give clear signals to area we think have merit. However, we are only human and have made errors in the past. It is the nature of investing that you cannot be 100% accurate, although for the first two years our report did have nothing but winners. Those days are over and in today's market is it more important that ever to be careful and use proper money management.

If you do not wish to put in the time and effort required to succeed in this area of investing, we suggest you consider a gold mutual fund. Even with professional management not all companies are winners, but with proper diversification total results mirror the general gold equity market. Unfortunately, there is not a silver mutual fund at this time. This is a question we are asked quite often.

The Ten Rules of Silver Investing was available to paid subscribers only but we have decided to make it available for free to anyone that joins our free email list …

Requirements of a well run mining company

The best Silver Miner in the world needs to not only anticipate the future but also contain as many costs as possible. This can be done to varying degrees but fixed costs are great expenditures and variable costs are becoming more “variable” by the minute. The costs of power, water, and labor seem to be increasing without end.

The infrastructure needs to be examined for roads, power, water, and environmental concerns. The political climate is a prime factor in determining the merit of a project, especially in today’s global environment.

Naturally the geology is of prime importance. An accurate geological model needs to be developed which includes data from drill holes, test pit sampling, quality and grade analysis, and what additional drilling may be required. Enough data needs to be verified for a Canadian company to be National Instrument 43-101 compliant.

A preliminary financial analysis includes the anticipated cost of capital and what is expected for the prices of the minerals going forward. Guess wrong here and your whole project can be in jeopardy.

So by now you know most of the risks and would like our opinion of the best Silver Miner in the World. It is simply Berkshire Hathaway yes Mr. Warren Buffet may prove to be the best silver miner of all time!

Why would we consider Berkshire to be the best in the world?

1. No environmental impact statement was required for this mine.

2. No 43-101 statement was necessary

3. All geological data becomes unnecessary

4. Low overhead—very few employees

5. Political problems reduced substantially

6. Fix costs known—price of silver at time of purchase

7. Variable costs (known?) –storage costs

Why is Berkshire the best miner? Profit, yes profit, even adjusted for inflation Berkshire has a profit in silver, this is not the case for almost the entire silver mining industry. Some will argue this is not a miner at all, and of course that point is obvious, what is not so obvious is how smart it is to let others mine silver at a loss, and then pick up the end fungible product at a cost lower than theirs.

Ted Butler did a nice article on the Buffett purchase of silver. What is so fascinating is that Buffett mined silver right off the exchange at a cost below what most miners are able to do. In fact as of last year not one primary silver miner showed a profit for the entire year. A few quarters of profit yes but on an annual basis no! This will change for fiscal year 2005 in our view and one of these companies has been in our speculative list for some time now. Please bear in mind we are speaking of total costs, not cash costs which miners are so fond of speaking about which neglect the actual costs associated with the mining of ore.

However, the point to be made is that a synthetic mining company is exactly what the marketplace needs at this time. The synthetic miner simply takes silver below the true (total cost)1 of production and stores in away. This would entail, a silver purchase program dealing with real silver obtained under strict requirements that should yield positive returns to investors.

At this time the preliminary work has been accomplished to begin such a synthetic mining company. The initial circumstances require that institutional investors only be allowed to participate, however once established another may be available to the general investing public. However to implement this plan silver would need to be near the current price in inflation adjusted terms. If silver shoots up from here, then the proposal simply would not be as effective. In other words, Buffett is a lock whether someone else can duplicate this remains to be determined. A free market approach to the proposed Silver ETF may be something the market needs currently.

In fact the proposed Silver ETF has some very interesting points we find for example:

The Official Sector

Unlike gold, there are no official statistics published by the International Monetary Fund, Bank of International Settlements, or national banks on silver holdings by national governments. The main reason for this is that silver is generally not recognized as a reserve asset. Consequently, there are very limited silver stocks held by governments. According to GFMS Limited in World Silver Survey 2005, at the end of 2004, government held silver bullion stocks total 164 Moz. Silver holdings held by the central banks and governments equal only a 10-week supply whereas for gold it is estimated that governments hold approximately the equivalent of 10 to 12 years of supply. Recently, countries like Russia, China and India have reduced their holdings of silver.

What is also interesting is what the proposed Silver ETF has to say about the U.S. dollar.

Between 2002 and 2004 the price of silver increased due to a number of factors. Among such factors are the decline in the U.S. dollar against other currencies, the poor performance of U.S. and other major equities markets, a surge in investment demand in commodities as an asset class generally, strength in fabrication demand, and the low level of forward selling by mining companies.

Sound bullish to you? It certainly does to us.

The key fact that very few outside of the precious metals community even consider is what Ibbitson Associates 2 stated in their conclusion on portfolio diversification with gold, silver, and platinum.

Quoting: Of the seven asset classes, the precious metals asset class is the only one with a negative average correlation to the other asset classes. Excluding cash, precious metals is the only asset class with a positive correlation coefficient with inflation. Precious metals provide a substantial hedge against inflation and provided a positive returns when they were needed most. End quote.

Further on in the conclusion section this report states investors can potentially improve the reward-to-risk ratio in conservative, moderate, and aggressive asset allocations by including precious metals with allocations of 7.1%, 12.5%, and 15.7% respectively.

Since many financial planners basically use a “cookie-cutter” approach to preparing retirement plans this Ibbitson study definitely will upset any astute in that industry that continue to learn. What would a CFP say to a client that had paid for proper diversification only to find our later that no exposure to the precious metals was given? Especially if this client knew that the precious metals is the only asset with a negative average correlation to the other asset classes.

We have suggested that during the second leg of this major bull market that more institutions will move into the sector and many private investors will begin to move into the precious metals as well. Now Certified Financial Planners have a tool and knowledge to move into real physical metal it may have an impact.

Coming back to Berkshire Hathaway, a special report about Buffett and Silver was written several years ago and is free to our paid subscribers, but one of the most profound aspects of his purchase is that it amounted to less than two percent of Berkshire’s holdings at the time. If Buffett were to bring Berkshire’s holdings to the conservative seven percent as outlined by Ibbitson Associates it would require more than twice the amount of silver presently on the Comex at this time.

Certainly there is much more to the silver story than supply and demand, in fact one of the most important points is proper portfolio diversification.

The Silver Investor

The Official site for the Serious Metals Investor

October 20, 2005

1 Total Costs include all direct and indirect operating cash costs related directly to the physical activities of producing metals, including mining, processing and other plant costs, third-party refining and marketing expense, on-site general and administrative costs, royalties and mine production taxes, net of by-product revenues earned from all metals other than the primary metal produced at each unit. This cost varies as grade, labor, and energy, transportation, and other third party costs increase.

2 Ibbotson Associates 225 North Michigan Avenue Suite 700, Chicago, Il 60601 Professor Roger G. Ibbotson, the company founder and Chairman, pioneered collecting the requisite data used in asset allocation and in quantifying the benefits of diversification. The firm continues to provide solutions to investment and finance problems for a diverse set of market. Ibbotson /Associates fills a growing need in the finance industry as a single-source provider of investment knowledge, expertise, and technology.
David Morgan has a BS in Engineering and a Masters in Business (finance and international business). David has been a private economist and precious metals analyst for over twenty years. He adheres to the Austrian School of Economics, although his degree is not from the Mises Institute.

Mr. Morgan is a contributor to and has written numerous articles, some of which may be viewed at Gold-Eagle Mr. Morgan also writes Newsletter. His e-mail newsletter is issued on a monthly basis and includes economic news, overall financial health of the global economy, currency problems ahead. Mr. Morgan pours over nearly every metals, economic, and financial newsletter and business publication and digests it to save his readers valuable time and money! Reviews current trends, long term fundamentals, and specific information required for any investor, especially the serious silver or precious metal investor.

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New Coach Hampton Purse 2007 Weekend Collection

A summary of the new Coach Hampton Purse Weekend Collection

Have you checked out the NEW Coach Hampton 2007 Weekend Collection? If not then this is your chance. Coach has put together a bright and vibrant Hamptons Weekend collection for 2007. This collection included pieces for all styles including satchels, travel totes, patchwork, Hobo, and many more. Here are some examples.

Hamptons Patchwork Small Tote

This tote comes in one color silver/multicolor. The purse is lightweight and features a new patchwork pattern in a small size, which makes it perfect for a weekend handbag. Outside the bag it has front open pockets and a zip top. Inside, there is a zip pocket, a ring for key chains and cell phone multifunctional pocket. Also, the bag has a fabric lining. The dimensions for this bag are 11 X 7 1/2 X 4 3/4.Hampton Weekend Scribble Tote

Next we have the Hampton Weekend Scribble Tote. This bag has all the normal Coach features like the inside cell phone/multifunctional pocket, a inside zip pocket, and a ring for a key chain. But outside sports a front zip pocket the scribble tote design with suede and leather trim. Take a look at the handles. The pink handles accent the scribble fabric. These are 15 inch. Cotton webbing handles. I think these handles make the bag. What do you think? The dimensions of this bag are 11 X 7 1/2 X 4 3/4. The bag retails for $178 dollars. Style 10673

Coach Hampton Weekend Travel Tote

Here is another strong contender of the Coach brand. The Coach Hampton Weekend Travel Tote. This roomy bag comes in two primary colors silver and white (I think this is yellow and white) and Silver and black. I don’t really like the silver and black tote. I don’t think that it is a good selection for a spring collection. The colors are a little too dark. Take a look for you self and leave a comment. I would love to hear your opinion. Anyways, this bag is pretty large and has a weather proof fabric with suede and leather trim. The bag also comes with a adjustable 60? strap that detaches. The dimensions of the bag are 20 X 13 X 10. The bag retails for $398 dollars. Style No. 10668

Hamptons Weekend Hobo

Here is one great looking hobo, The Hamptons Weekend Hobo. This bag comes in silver and black and silver and white. Once again I would have to say that the silver and white bag has more potential than the silver and black bag, only because of the season. Now, if this were the winter I would say that the black bag may look better. This HOBO features a zip top inside pocket and the once again normal cell phone/multifunctional pocket. Outside it has one open pocket. The strap is leather with dog leash clips. That seams very new. Have not seen that on a bag, very stylish. I like it!! The dimensions are 17 1/2 X 10. This bag retails for $198 dollars. Style no. 10661

These are just a sample of the whole 2007 Coach Hampton Weekend Collection. If you would like to see more go to


The Beginners Palmistry Guide For Wearing Silver Rings

Lots of us love silver jewellery and silver rings are something that can make a strong statement about the wearer's style and even personality. Some of us will examine people's hands and fingers, even if it is a subconscious evaluation of the person, any maybe not the first thing we look at. Wearing silver rings on certain fingers can have different meanings, that many people are not aware of. But when you take into account that there has been study that links the length of men's fingers directly to the potential for depression, and the meanings also that palmistry attaches to each finger you may think about this a little more.

Palmistry gives specific meanings to each digit. For example the index finger is known as the mirror finger so essentially it mirrors back to us. A person wearing a silver ring on this finger may be going through a period of extra self-reflection. However this applies if they are wearing it on what the palmists refer to as the active hand. The active hand is if we are right handed this would be the active hand, and then our left hand is the inactive hand. If you go for a palm reading the palmist should take both into account, if they do not they are not doing a good job.

The difference in palmistry between the inactive and the active hand is that the inactive hand is what you are born with and the active hand is what you are doing with it. So if you have been married for a while and have no children but the inactive hand shows that you have two children, then the palmist may tell you about this. The active hand reflects the conscious you, how you are out in the world, and what you are actively developing. The inactive hand is moreso about your subconscious.

In the opinion of palmists why do we wear rings? Palmists say that rings are actually power devices designed to magnify the inherent power of the hand. However some people wear rings to give
themselves some kind of an emotional armour.

Some experts say that in general rings which are worn on the index finger are there as the wearer wishes to enhance their ambitions. If a ring is worn on the middle finger it may be a sign of a materialistic nature. Of course a huge amount of society wear rings on what we call the ring finger, the one next to our little finger, but when these are especially large or showy it can mean a person who is frustrated in a creative or emotional sense. At times rings which are worn on the little finger can be a sign of sexual frustrations.

Examine your own hands and check out these measurements. If your index finger reaches just to the bottom of the nail of the middle finger, then you should have a balanced ego. If it goes past this point it should be an indicator of being very confident, in the same way if it doesn't reach it can indicate a lack of confidence.

Spot your own or someone else's level of emotional and creative impulses by checking out if your ring finger reaches past the bottom of the nail of your middle finger. If it does this is a sign that you or the person you are checking out being full of creative and emotional impulses. However if it doesn't reach it can be a sign of blocked emotions. If the middle finger is the one that stands out from the rest this shows a person who is serious and intense. If it is the little finger which stands apart from the hand naturally then this shows a person who is outspoken and independent.

Go and out have fun reading people through their fingers and where they wear their silver rings.

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Silver Jewellery contemporary art pieces

Silver Jewellery has created a position of its own in contemporary and designer jewellery section. Silver is not only used in designer Jewellery but also in creation of designer artifacts. As contemporary art is replacing traditional art, the female society is getting attracted towards beautifully handcrafted silver jewellery which reflects an aura of its own. Silver is a white metal with cool finish. This cool finish adds grace and tranquility to crafted jewels. The new provocative look of sterling silver jewellery is becoming a craze amongst the youngsters. These youngsters do not want to carry heavy traditional jewels. They opt for unique exotic pieces for them. They love that stylish look which makes them stand apart amongst the crowd. Be it a small earring, finger ring, armlet, anklet toe-ring, or a simple nose pin, silver is making its remarkable presence amongst all body jewels. Fashionable small earrings are most prevalent because young girls prefer earrings above all jewellery pieces. Whatsoever be the color of the dress, silver can mould each and every color with itself to produce a designer piece of jewel. Be it Ruby, Sapphire, or any other stone, silver gets along with all of them with equal ease. That is why silver has created a vital place in stylish jewellery section. Silver is not a costly metal. Therefore it is affordable with ease. One can even exchange old silver jewellery with new ones at some reasonable exchange rate. People do not mind this rate because their old classics are replaced with contemporary jewels at a nominal value. Today fashion gets changed at a very fast pace. While gold is getting dearer day by day, fashion conscious people cannot afford precious metals with ease and comfort. Instead they rely on silver jewellery in latest designs. Silver jewellery elevates their moods and confidence without costing a fortune to the user. Silver jewellery indeed fulfils ones expectations of living with the latest trends at affordable prices. For some of the latest designs in Silver Jewellery, log on to and place your order online.

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Sterling Silver Jewelry – An Ideal Gift for All Functions

Platinum, gold and diamonds always draw interest from jewelry buyers for special occasions, but silver still remains a great gift idea for any occasion. Pure sterling silver is harder than gold with the highest optical reflectivity. It looks as dramatic with a black evening gown as it does with a white day dress.

Sterling silver jewelry is available in an amazing variety of design and types, gaining great reverence in its 4,000 year history. Silver is least expensive of the precious metals and United States is one of the biggest silver producing countries in globally.

Sterling silver jewelry gains in popularity as a substitute of gold jewelry. Sterling silver comprises of 92.5 percent silver and 7.5 percent zinc making up some of the most in vogue items of accessory today, with items such as sterling silver rings, sterling silver bracelets, sterling silver pendants, sterling silver earrings and even sterling silver buttons, to name a few.

It makes a perfect gift if you’re pressed for money. Its versatility and affordability make it one of the most purchasable gift items. It is well suited for all occasions – including birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, wedding gifts and even as a christening present. You can select a wide variety of sterling silver jewelry for:

Sterling Silver for Mom

It makes an inexpensive yet exquisite gift for mom. You can choose between sterling silver necklaces, pendants, earrings, rings, and bracelets. You can even personalize the gift by engraving on it.

Sterling Silver for Daughters

It makes equally divine gifts for fathers to appreciate their place in our lives. The beauty of sterling silver jewelry lies in their simple yet elegant beauty.

Sterling Silver for Valentine’s Day

Celebrate your Valentine's Day with an individual, distinctive and reasonable sterling silver gift from our breathtaking collection of sterling silver necklaces, silver bracelets, silver rings, silver pendants and silver earrings.


Sterling silver makes the perfect birthday gift for its elegance and affordability. The Butterfly Collection makes exquisite birthday gifts, since they are a representation of metamorphosis or change, much like a birthday is. Cell phone charms also make great gifts for friends and family and one of the most personalized gift items available.

Wedding / Wedding Anniversary

Sterling silver gifts and sterling silver jewelry is ideal for a weddings and wedding anniversary. Silver wedding rings are low in price but high in terms of beauty since silver is one of the most reflective of all the metals. Sterling silver bridal charm like the Mother of Pearl Charm and White Satin Heart Charm, accented with Swarovski crystals, pearls and sterling silver detail make special gifts for a wedding day. The signature collection satin hearts make romantic, thoughtful gifts to your loved one.

Christmas Gifts

Sterling silver jewelry makes for unique Christmas gifts which surprise and awe your loved ones. Silver bracelets, sterling silver necklaces, sterling silver pendants, sterling silver earrings and sterling silver rings are ideal for this festive time.

Sterling silver makes a beautiful combination with gemstones, bringing about a dazzling effect. The variety of color, gem stones and setting makes the sterling silver an unbeatable choice for a gift item.

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