Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Guide to Collecting Antique Sterling Silver

Collecting antique sterling silver can be both enjoyable and satisfying as well as being a good investment. You are able to find many quality pieces of silver from skilled and established dealers at reasonable prices, if you buy online ensure you see a clear image of the item before purchasing.

There are various marks stamped onto authentic sterling silver, look out for the sterling mark as every genuine item should have this. If there is no stamp it may mean the item is made from a time before hallmarking was obligatory. Do make sure that the authenticity of the piece can be guaranteed. Before undertaking a purchase, ensure you do some studying on the subject and have an understanding of the market, otherwise you are likely to pay overprice or even buy something that is not real silver. Visit a seller of antique silver for advice or purchase some books that will educate you.

There are many kinds of antique silver items and the types of things you buy will vary according to your requirements and preferences. Rings of particularly fine quality can provide a perfect engagement ring. Silver boxes can be used as a decorative item and also put to use as pill boxes, cigarette cases and toothpick holders.

If taken care of properly, silver items for the house provide a lot of pleasure to look at and can stay in the family for a long time, being handed down to younger members when appropriate. Bowls and candlesticks will make beautiful centrepieces for a dining table, either just for show or put to use as a fruit holder or punch bowl. Silver photograph frames are perfect for showing off the family and clocks can be stylish pieces of work. Many silver items are not only there to look stunning but also have practical purposes.

Some collectors are only interested in a particular maker, era or type of silver, such as jewellery or tableware. Specializing in a certain era or style can be very enjoyable and on the way turn you into something of an expert in that particular area. Collecting a range of pieces can make your collection unique and interesting if chosen wisely.

When obtaining an item, make certain you have it checked over thoroughly, a damaged item will have reduced value. Antique silver can look used and a little worn and still be valuable, however any damage to it and you should tread carefully. Tarnished silver is also something to be aware of as this often can hide small defects, examine every piece carefully before making a buy. http://www.acsilver.co.uk/shop/pc/showsearchresults.asp?pageStyle=H&resultCnt=10&keyword=antique+silver

The effect silver creations can have on a table setting, whether it is cutlery, condiments or candlesticks can really provide an exceptional look to be admired and also set the atmosphere. If it is something that will be used on a daily basis, such as a coffee pot, then take the cost of it into account. If at some future date it then gets damaged from use it will not be as distressing.

A table set with silver cutlery, a beautiful candlestick set or fruit bowl can have a stunning and appealing effect. It will add to the atmosphere and look unique. Sterling silver can be a supplementary to a collection, sold on at a profit or given as a gift.

Antique silver can be a rare and unique find and whether you are in search for a special gift for someone special or just appreciate the quality and beauty of the item, you are likely to find a unique item.

Search online for dealers in antique sterling silver and antique diamond jewellery who trades in quality pieces either as gifts, or objects of virtue, and can aid with purchases for both personal pleasure or investment purposes.

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1 comment:

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