Monday, September 21, 2009

How to Read People by Their Silver Bracelets

Why do some of us feel naked without our jewellery? Is it that the part it has played in our mating rituals and religious lives is so deeply embedded in the mass consciousness? Yet there are some people who wear no jewellery, so this hardly explains it for everyone. Jewellery communicates about prestige, wealth, elegance, sexiness, individuality, morality, superstition and much more. Clothes communicate about us also but not in this way. These days both men and women wear silver bracelets, although still more women than men. So how can we read people by their silver bracelets and silver jewellery?

The first step is acknowledging that we have a jewellery split in society, those whose metal of choice is silver and those who prefer gold. Of course there are the platinum wearers, this is another issue for another time! Gold symbolises power, strength, justice and perfection. Silver is a symbol of focus, awareness, vision, persistence, subtle strength, clarity, femininity and a sense of purpose. In modern society we see gold worn sometimes to achieve striking glamour. Even when you see people wearing gold bracelets they kind of jump out and say look at me, whereas a silver bracelet says investigate me, appreciate me subtly.

So if you were for example interviewing people for a job, and there were two candidates that were joint favourites and it was a difficult decision. Candidate A was wearing a gold bracelet but candidate B was wearing a silver bracelet. Which one would you choose? More than likely you would subconciously go for the one who was wearing your metal of choice. Or if the job was for a leadership role you may be likely to choose the person wearing the gold bracelet. However if the job was for a role that included ongoing analysis and development, which required clarity you may choose the silver bracelet wearer. Check your reactions in social situations and see. It is best to do this with people you know little or nothing about, it can be a fun exercise.

Look across a room and see a woman who is wearing a silver bracelet. More often than not this will signify someone who is quite independent. Why is this so? Culturally gold is considered the more important metal, and even in areas where there is little money in Britain quite a lot of people buy gold so they feel and look more wealthy. For them it seems like a status symbol. Even the media chooses gold more often than not to be included in advertisements. Therefore the lady wearing silver jewellery does not need to be part of the crowd. She is a person who is more inclined to follow her own passions and not the crowd. She is quietly confident. She does not feel the need to dazzle you with gold bling but loves to adorn herself in subtle, classy silver. She may be more mysterious and feminine.

Across lots of cultures strong, beautiful women have dressed themselves in silver jewellery, from well-known celebrities to tribal Native American women. Today you could take the analysis even further by examining the type of design of the silver jewellery, is it simple or intricate? Does it include crystals if so these have qualities depending on which stone it is. You could make quite a science out of it. By the way, if it is a man wearing a silver bracelet, you women out there should consider talking to him. This could be a sign that he has an openess to his feminine qualities.

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