Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yanik Silver’s Magnetic Marketing

If you are a new business, who wants to increase your sales income, but are losing a large amount of money in your marketing efforts. You have an interest in dominating your target market and creating more cash flow with new customers and repeat business. Using the Magnetic Marketing by Dan Kennedy will help you reach this level of business success. The theory behind Magnetic Marketing is "How can you get a measurable result from every single dollar you put into the marketing and promotion of your products?"

If you are in sales, you may have spent years cold prospecting and getting small insignificant results, with this system you will get a powerful tool that will help you magnetically draw more people who will see you as an expert and will have a need to buy from you. With the Magnetic Marketing by Dan Kennedy you will be able to get prescreened qualified prospects that will be eager to buy whatever product you are selling.

Dan Kennedy gives you his expertise in marketing as one of the highest paid marketing professionals; he has worked with the biggest names in business and has helped clients in more than 68 different business industries and sales venues. His clients include small Internet entrepreneurs and extend to multi billion dollar companies.

He is a consultant of the largest companies and a long list of celebrities and is involved with many online Television sales gurus. He is a popular speaker and coach teaching many people how to use his techniques to expand and build their businesses.

In addition to these factors, he is also a well-known author who has 6 big name books to his credit, with accolades going to his Magnetic Marketing System, as well as being a teacher of many of the professionals who are deemed experts and speakers of such programs. His programs have 6 important components that should be followed:

• He has done all of the work for you in the “No Brainer” component of the program. Giving you 6 cassettes and creating a complete marketing plan for each of them. Magnetic Marketing by Dan Kennedy give you powerful prospecting letters, postcards and ads that can be used by you or change them to fit you. The kit will cover every business situation including business-to-business, real estate, automobile sales and any number of Internet marketing businesses. The product fits everyone’s business type.

• You will get to learn from what other professionals have done to accomplish the level of success they have achieved. You will have 102 exhibits to show you how other people have adapted the program to fit their businesses and have received outstanding results. You also receive the "Cash Flow Surge Letter" that will bring extra money in a short time to just about any business.

• The first audiotape will walk you through every thing in your kit, every page, document and tool that is available for you to use. You get strategies, ideas and concepts when you use this audiotape that Magnetic Marketing by Dan Kennedy is known for.

• You get a crash course on the concept of Magnetic Marketing on tapes number 2, 3, 4, 5 that teaches you many different marketing strategies and answers many of the questions that you may have in an easy to enjoy cd course.

• You will get the "Fast Start Tape" that is geared to get you ready to use the marketing systems you have learned to use.

• Lastly you get the personal assistance and consultation, where you will get the critique of your business forms, letters, ads and brochures by simply sending Dan Kennedy a copy of your work. He will give you a brutally honest opinion, that though it may make you upset, will also save you many thousands of dollars in advertising costs.

You get all of these valuable items from Magnetic Marketing by Dan Kennedy, a benefit of $1,000 all for the low price of $299.00, which comes with the double guarantee, insuring you maximum satisfaction with your product. The first guarantee is that you get to try the entire program for two months and if you should find any reason that you are not satisfied you can get all of your money back.

The second guarantee is that if you use the product and decide to keep it the full two months then Dan will watch your success for an additional ten months, and if you have not made at least $10,000 then he will still give you every dime you paid into the program. In addition, you will also get a ton of bonuses as well that will help you with the advancement of your business and teach you how to build wealth in your industry.

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1 comment:

  1. Great information. Thank you!
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